News for Aug. 09, 2005

EuroGamer Talks Narnia Game

8/09/05, 7:16 pm EST - Xoanon

As numbers go, 85 million is "big", especially when that figure is describing book sales. If you're talking about 85 million children's books, you're talking about Potter, right? Only half-right in this instance. [Classic misdirection! - Ed] Specifically, Potter is the only children's book series to ever sell more than this amount, the total sales of CS Lewis's Narnia series. That's an awful lot of books. And if your memory of Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy's harrowing adventures in the land of snow and ice has been dismissed to some childish corner of your rapidly deteriorating brain, along with Texan bars and hazy episodes of The Red Hand Gang, you'd best prepare for its inevitable return: Disney's about to release the first tale in the series, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", as a railroading media franchise this Christmas. The movie will be Disney's biggest to date, in terms of marketing spend at least. When it comes to numbers, Narnia's got it all sewn up. [More]